Online class with plant spirit healer, Emma Farrell (Fitchett)
Take the class any time.
88 minutes / £45 / lifetime access
In this interactive class, Emma will be outlining the traditional technique of plant diets also known as plant initiations, for learning directly from the plants. You will learn how to perform them effectively for yourself, how to communicate with the plants and how to integrate their healing and wisdom.
Managing a spirit team and bringing them consciously and safely into your existing healing modality takes time and focus. Emma will discuss how to do this and how to evolve those relationships over time creating a constant flow and deepening of skills and capabilities within your practice.
Safety and energetic hygiene are paramount when working within the psychic realms, Emma will also be discussing effective ways of ensuring you remain sovereign within and without.
Emma will be covering:
Who the plant spirits are and how they function.
Performing effective plant diets to communicate with and learn directly from them.
How to form sustainable, co-creative and powerful relationship with your spirit team
Safety and energetic hygiene when operating in the spirit realm
How to bring plant spirits into your own healing modality, from massage to hands-on healing, herbalism to shamanism.
This class is in video format and all on-demand classes are hosted on
The Thinkific platform requires participants to create an account and from there you will be able to access all your purchases of School of Natural Esoterics courses and classes.
Once purchased you will have lifetime access to the class.
Emma Farrell
Emma is a plant spirit healer, shamanic teacher & author. She has been initiated into and trained in indigenous healing and magical lineages of the British Isles and the Ecuadorian Amazon, is a Yew Mysteries initiate. Emma has been undertaking plant dietas for 10 years.